Community Facilities Direct Loan and Grant
This Program provides affordable funding to develop essential community facilities that provide services in rural communities.
Funding is based on population and median household income.
Contact CSDED for more information.
CBDG programming assists communities with projects that promote economic development such as water, sewer, fire halls, community centers, health care clinics, rural water expansion projects, libraries, storm sewer/water and many more. Funds may also be utilized for infrastructure to serve new or expanding businesses/manufacturing facilities. There is also a special project account to assist with economic development projects that create jobs for low- and moderate-income persons. Urgent need and imminent threat funding is available.
Contact CSDED to discuss project eligibility.
This program provides grants to assist in funding the construction or reconstruction of infrastructure for the purpose of serving economic development projects. Infrastructure must be tied to committed businesses providing full-time job creation.
Programming provides assistance to construct or improve road access in communities when they have a new or expanding industry. Visit with a staffer at CSDED about your road project.
This program assists communities with construction of roads to serve new agri-businesses, such as ethanol plants and large-scale elevators. This grant applies to any road project that will serve as a primary access to the new agricultural business that will be creating 5 or more jobs in its development.
This programming for any municipality to help generate jobs, retain existing jobs, and stimulate industrial and commercial growth in economically-distressed areas of the United States. EDA assistance is available to rural and urban areas of the nation experiencing high unemployment, low income, or other severe economic distress. Visit with CSDED about your economical needs.
Central South Dakota Enhancement District
PO Box 220, 3431 Airport Rd Ste 3, Pierre, SD 57501 US
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